سفارش تبلیغ
صبا ویژن

the capital city of Iran

Iran tour

Tehran tour the capital city of Iran


Tehr?n, also spelled Teheran, the capital city of Iran and the centre of the province (ost?n) of Tehr?n, located in north-central Iran at the foot of the Elburz mountain range. Since its establishment as the capital city by ?gh? Mo?ammad Kh?n more than 200 years ago, Tehr?n has grown from a small city to a major metropolis situated in an urban region of 12 million inhabitants, Tehr?n is Iran’s largest city and one of the most populous cities of the world .and you can choose best Iran tours between them .then don’t waste time for reserve Iran tour


Character of the city and tourism in Iran


With a dramatic topography reflective of its proximity to the highest peak in the country if you want to travel to Iran ask you tour leader to have Tehran tour . Tehr?n is Iran’s gateway to the outside world. Tehr?n’s image abroad was strongly influenced by the Iranian Revolution of the late 1970s. In the last two decades of the 20th century, television screens and newspaper articles around the world portrayed Tehr?n as a deeply religious city steeped in tradition, fighting against modernization and Westernization. While the Iranian self-image is that of an ancient people with a long history and a rich heritage, Tehr?n challenges these images, as the corporeal city is relatively young. Most buildings were built after the mid-1960s, and half of the population is less than 27 years old; many of the city’s institutions are even younger This often uneasy coexistence of old and new, of continuity and change, and a deep social divide between rich and poor characterize the city, causing vitality as well as tension and upheaval reflected in two revolutions and many social movements during the 20th century



City site


The centre of the city is on latitude 35°41′ N and longitude 51°26′ E. Tehr?n is located on the steep southern slopes of the Elburz mountain range, which traces an arc along the coast of the Caspian Sea in northern Iran. Its highest peak, Mount Dam?vand (Demavend), has an elevation of more than 18,400 feet (5,600 metres) and is visible from Tehr?n on clear days. The highest point in Iran, Dam?vand is also higher than any other peak among the summits to its west in Asia and Europe. Figuring prominently in Persian legend, Dam?vand holds for Iranians much the same significance as Mount Fuji offers the Japanese. The symbolic significance of this site and its location on the historic east-west trade route (Silk Road) have ensured that this area has been the site of significant settlement for several millennia. Towch?l ridge (12,904 feet [3,933 metres]), the site of a popular ski and recreation site linked to the city by a series of cable cars, dominates the city from the north, while the city’s southern reaches extend toward Kav?r, a desert located in north-central Iran



The northernmost limits of the city stand at about 5,600 feet (1,700 metres) above sea level and the southernmost limits about 3,600 feet (1,100 metres). There is a difference of about 2,000 feet (600 metres) between the northern heights and the southern edges of the city, some 19 miles (30 km) away. This dramatic difference in height and Tehr?n’s location between mountains and desert have had significant impacts on the social and physical characteristics of the city



Tehr?n has a hot, arid climate shared by many parts of central Iran. Although the summer is very long, the city enjoys four distinct seasons, and the Elburz mountain range prevents the humidity of the Caspian Sea in the north from reaching the city. The annual average temperature in Tehr?n is 63 °F (17 °C), with an average annual high of 73 °F (23 °C) and annual lows averaging about 53 °F (12 °C). Extreme temperatures can reach a maximum of 109 °F (43 °C) in the summer and a minimum of 5 °F (−15 °C) in the winter. The city has an average annual precipitation of about 10 inches (230 mm) and experiences an average of 48 days of frost per year


Tehr?n’s growing environmental challenges include air, water, land, and noise pollution. Motor vehicles, household fuel, and a concentration of industries generate atmospheric pollution, which cannot be cleared away, because of the effect of surrounding mountains and limited precipitation. For two-thirds of the year, pollutants caused by fossil fuels are trapped inside a dome of hot air. The north winds are not strong enough to mobilize the polluted air, and the major winds, which blow from the west, south, and southeast, bring with them more pollution from industrial production in those areas


The juxtaposition of mountains and desert has created diverse climatic conditions in the city and, as a result, a diverse social geography. Historically, the city’s more affluent population chose the northern foothills for their summer residence, where trees were more plentiful and summers cooler than in the south, which, being in the vicinity of the desert, experienced hotter, dustier summers and featured fewer trees. In the 20th century, as travel between the city and the suburbs became easier, the northern heights became an integrated part of the city

City layout


Tehr?n’s urban layout is marked by a clear core-periphery distinction. The old core forms a small part of the city, where a number of older buildings and institutions can be found. Mo?ahar? (formerly Sepahs?l?r) mosque and seminary, with its domes and minarets, was the one of the most impressive buildings of the city in the 19th century. The central bazaar, with miles of roofed streets, domed trading halls, mosques, and caravanserais, remains a tourist attraction as well as a centre of economic activity. Near the bazaar and the city’s central park, the site of the old royal citadel is now occupied by many central government buildings. Most of the business activities and services are located in the old core and its northward expansion, developed mainly between the 1860s and the 1940s. The city core is surrounded by residential areas and growing suburbs. Older residential areas are built in the traditional style of winding narrow streets and cul-de-sacs leading to one- or two-story buildings around a central courtyard; previously inhabited by a single family, some of the larger homes in these older residential areas are now under the combined pressure of multiple occupation by low-income and migrant households, planning blight, and the expansion of commercial activity. By contrast, newer residential areas consist of wider, straight streets and outward-looking buildings of various heights with walled courtyards. Despite a rich architectural heritage, a number of historical buildings have suffered the effects of construction and expansion. Only a few buildings were listed for conservation, though at the end of the 20th century some 5,000 buildings of historical and architectural value had been identified in the B?z?r (bazaar) and ??dl?j?n (Oudlajan) districts alone